Booking Methods Online Booking By clicking here, you can check the availability of the room and its corresponding price for the desired period and proceed with the booking via credit card. The booking will be accepted and confirmed upon payment of a deposit equal to 30% of the total amount.
Telephone or Email Booking By contacting us directly through our email or phone contacts, you can check availability and make a reservation. In this case, the booking will be accepted and confirmed upon payment of a deposit equal to 30% of the total amount, to be made via bank transfer using the following details:
Residenza Punta Stendardo della S. Andrea s.r.l. P.I.02741430603
IBAN: IT 20 F 05296 74030 CC0160007987 BIC/SWIFT: POFOIT3F
Rates are per day, referring to the cost of the entire apartment and include a small buffet breakfast, with 10% VAT included.
Prices Include Free Wi-Fi in rooms and common areas, 24-hour reception, elevator, small buffet breakfast, daily cleaning, linen (bath and bed), parking for cars and motorcycles (one vehicle per room) subject to availability and only by reservation.
Prices Do Not Include Tourist tax (€ 2,50 per day for guests aged 13 and above), beach and facility agreements, transfers, and excursions. Children aged 15 and above are welcome.
Cancellation Policy Our cancellation policy entails a full refund of the deposit for cancellations made prior to 14 days before the expected arrival. Otherwise, the deposit will be fully retained.
N.B. For reservations concerning the month of August, no refunds are provided in case of cancellation.